The tretravalent code

The text below is a copy of the Espera Center website consulted in 2001.

The tetravalent code is a set of rules, often implicit rather than explicit, that determine who we are and what we do.
It is made up of four different but complementary types of rules:
The tetravalent code, as it appeared on official Sbarro and Espace Sbarro brochures
The tetravalent code is, and I quote, made up of four rules:
The Conceptual code: describes, explains and prescribes the logic of our thoughts and actions.
The Technical code: describes, explains and prescribes what is technically and methodically correct in our thoughts and actions.
The Aesthetic code: describes, explains and prescribes what is formally aesthetically perfect in our thoughts and actions.
The Ethical Code: describes, explains and prescribes what is ethically correct in our thoughts and actions.